You have a couple of sensors at home that gather data about the environment, and you would like to visualize the evolution of this data?
It does not matter if you are a hobby developer, or you already have some years of experience, you are welcome to use our free services.
Quick and easy
Sign up for a free account, register as many sensors as you want, and start sending your data over our API endpoint.
The data you submit is available for visualisation instantly on you dashboard. You can gather your sensor data with Arduino, Raspberry Pi or any other device.
Our API entrypoint offers a standard format that works with any input source.
Our service is free!
This website has been born out of our passion for developing small programs for handling different sensor boards. As we did not find a free place to upload our data and analyse it,
we figured out that a small website would do the trick. By putting this online, we maybe also help other developers that share the same problem with us.
Enjoy it !
Because the usage is free, we are confident you will help us improve the product. We are always open for suggestions and try to respond to any message we receive from you, as quick as possible.
Registered sensors
Logged measurements
Happy customers